It was a situation I glossed over. I didn’t have to deal with it every single day but it was often enough for me to go to my Bible study group and submit it as a prayer request. They would listen to me and invariably one or two of them would tell me, “You’ve got to take care of that. Get rid of it.” I knew I should, but I didn’t want to face the conflict and I was fearful of the consequences. Life would not be the same. I would have to find other avenues to fill the void that the resolution would create. So instead of facing it once and for all, I worked around it. I figured out ways to deal with it. My work was suffering because of it, but I kept making excuses that it would get better over time. If I just kept feeding the monster, it would be satisfied, and things would work out. But that’s not what happened. I had sleepless nights of worry; I was short-tempered and spent a lot of time wringing my hands and waiting for a better result. Before you start ...
I'm Melissa Hart and I'm glad you're here! Follow my instagram @farmwriter