Knolltop Farm Wife (Melissa Hart)

Welcome to my blog! I'm a wife, mother of four and a self-employed freelance writer. In addition to writing, I am involved in producing several dairy magazines and am the editor of Dairy Agenda Today where I have a blog there as well! This is a place where I can get what's in my head, down on paper (the internet). I hope you find encouragement and maybe a giggle or two!
Follow me on instagram @farmwriter

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

JW's Graduation: Part I

Good Morning from a sunny, cool and beautiful Knolltop!

With JW"s open house over, it is now time to get back to "regular" life.  I have no idea what that is, but I do know it includes not worrying about the lawn, flowers, weeds, food, paper plates, a tent and a guest list.

JW's graduation came and went in a flash.  The day seem to just fly by.  It was the days of preparation before hand that seemed to be very, very slow, especially for the other three children who had to slave away for their big brother's open house while he just sat around, or so they say.  Never mind the days they were in school and I had him removing the swing set, taking trash out, running countless errands and sending out last minute invitations(with the wrong addresses, I might add.)

Here is one of the slaves painting the fence and posing.  Yup, we got the fence all time.
And here is another slave and his girlfriend slave.  They scraped a lot, in that one spot.  But they were left out of the painting detail....poor things. (My boys enjoy posing.)
And here is a happy slave.  See how much enjoyment she is getting out of serving her older brother?  Boy I have done a super job of raising such willing servants.  I ask you, does this look like a picture of an unhappy sister?
And they did it all for their big brother, JW.
More on the prep for the open house later!

1 comment:

The Myers Family said...

I currently am getting alot of is he really gonna help with mine in two years...kinda stuff too on this end. Glad all went well. Now in all your free time...haha...maybe we could grab a cup of coffee? Let me know.
