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Showing posts from February, 2011

Some days your patience is truly tested

It seems like it's been a long winter here on the Knolltop.  With the snow earlier and last week the tremendous ice storm, the folks in this neck of the woods have had enough winter.  The kids were off the entire week last week because of ice! Thankfully we didn't lose power at all, oh my such a blessing from God! Having a farm is truly a test of patience on a regular basis.  With so much equipment to keep running and livestock to keep healthy, some days you just think what else can go wrong? A couple of Sunday's ago, we were finishing up chores and like he's been doing since he was in fifth grade, Luke backed the tractor and manure spreader under the gutter cleaner....well, almost. I was milking at the time when I heard the tractor making noises that weren't normal to just backing it down the hill.  No, I heard it making sounds like it was trying to get out of a bad situation.  And when a disgusted Luke walked into the barn (I could tell by his walk) I kn...

My Young Lady in Agriculture

It's been a very icy week here on the Knolltop!  The kids had the week off from school simply because a bunch of frozen water...who would've thought? I had the privilege of speaking last week at the Michigan Farm Bureau Young Farmers group in a session called, Roles of Women in Agriculture.  Needless to say, I had a ball sharing with these ladies and getting to know a few more women in agriculture.  While I was away from the farm, I had my own young lady in agriculture filling my shoes at home.  My daughter Sarah took over my role to make sure everyone had something to eat and then headed to the barn to milk the cows.  When I pulled in the driveway, I hurried out to the barn to help Sarah finish the chores.  While milking, she asked how my day went and then began asking what I shared with women.  I told her that women in agriculture are a very unique group.  They are determined, hard working and tenacious.  Then she asked what tenacious m...