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Showing posts from November, 2009

Senior Pictures

JW and I went to David Smith's, Smile Photography for his senior pictures yesterday afternoon. We had a great time! I can't wait to see the proofs. When we got done with the studio shots, David took JW outside and put him through his paces. Telling him how to stand, how to look, smile, don't smile, look up, tip your chin down, relax the arm...the whole bit. Almost as bad as a cattle photographer. Only David didn't need a crew of five or a noise maker! JW had to get his clothes just right. Okay, now he looks like a rock star....yes, I am his mother! David was very interactive crouching down and showing him how to sit. So much fun!!!!

Senior Pictures

Good Monday Morning from a sunny Knolltop! Why didn't someone tell me my headline to the last post was misspelled????? Oh my heavens! Yesterday JW and I ventured to Reading for his senior picture session. Oh my, I had no idea it was going to take three hours! It was fun though, of course he's so photogeneic! And yes, I am his mother, I know, but you just can't beat his smile. I'll post a few pics above. Today is one of the last warmer days so I'm heading out to work in the yard. Coming home last evening we noticed several people with their Christmas lights up....they were the smart ones and used good weather to hang lights.

God's Awesome Answer

Good Morning from a sunny, cool Knolltop. I know, I know, it's been over a week since I wrote anything. I actually began writing this post last Sunday and haven't had time to finish it.... Suffice it to say, Bobby and I had a wonderful time in Louisville and the kids handled things well on the farm. Right now, I've got to write about a God thing. If you don't believe in God or don't like any kind of religion....stop reading right now because I'm going to be considerably transparent about God and how He answered our prayers.. JW found a baseball camp a few weeks ago. World Baseball Acadamey in Ft. Wayne, Indiana was advertising a pitchers and catchers training camp. Looking into it I decided I would bite the bullet and pay for JW to go. He wanted to go so badly so when an unexpected, very small, windfall came our way, we immediately gave part of it to JW for camp. Afterall he had be so faithful in helping with chores all fall when we would rush off to a football ...

Football Season

Since I haven't posted any pictures of football season, I thought I had better keep the grandparents happy and put up some of Luke's football pictures. Now I know the rest of the readers may not give two hoots about the kid in the Number 16 jersey, but there are a few of you who will thoroughly enjoy. Luke was the quarterback of the team. This was good and bad. It was good because I always knew where he was and if he was doing a good job. It was bad because other parents felt the need to tell Luke if he was doing something wrong and they would yell at him. Well, this Mama bear didn't like that. It was all I could do to sit through a game and not plough through the fans to knock those hecklers right off the stands! Trying to figure out what to do, the next game, I decided to get close to them. So, I sat in their section, as close as I could and you know what? They didn't say a word! Not a peep! The next game I didn't sit quite so close and they were still well behave...

Heading South!

Good morning from a very chilly knolltop. It was 29 when we went across the road to milk! Yesterday JW was honored as student of the month. That event took place before school, so then while we were out in our town clothes we ran some errands and then home for more chores. This morning JW is on his way to Louisville for the dairy judging contest at the North American. Today I'm getting ready to head south as well, for the NAILE in Louisville. I am covering it for Dairy Agenda Today, otherwise, no, there is no way I could afford this trip if I weren't working while I was there! Mom will come down and take care of the kids and I am actually getting Bobby off the farm! He will be able to visit with all of his buddies and enjoy some down time! We are looking forward to the trip and are thankful for a mom who will come watch our kids and for kids who will take over the farm for a few days! Okay, by now I"m sure you know, prayer is needed for the Hart family! And I thank...

Frosting rules

Good Morning from a sunny 30 something Knolltop! Now that I just finished a fresh hot sweetroll with cream cheese frosting and a hot cup of coffee, I think I'm ready for the day. I was snooping around the Pioneer Woman website the other day, I very rarely go there because it's so addictive, but I found a recipe for pumpkin muffins with cream cheese frosting. I made the muffins, in the name of nutritional goodness because of the pumpkin, but I refrained from the just didn't seem right for breakfast. But somehow that frosting rule doesn't apply to sweetrolls, cause I just made a creamy batch of cream cheese frosting, slathered it on the hot sweetrolls and enjoyed every last bite! Now I've got to go work it off in the barn!

Bright and Sunny Tuesday!

Good Sunny morning from the knolltop! What a beautiful sunrise and now a shining morning! Everyone is back to healthy in the house now. Sarah went back to school! It's amazing what a little rest will do for a body. I lost a calf this morning! When I went out to feed the calves their milk, she was gone! Because she is mostly black, I didn't see her standing outside in the springer pen in the dark. When she heard the clank of the buckets she realized she had better get back home for breakfast! I was able to feed here in that pen, but I will have to wrangle her back home this morning when we bed the barn and clean gutters. I received a "Save the date" magnet in the mail the other seems TWO of my nephews have decided to make my sister crazy by both getting married within 3 months! John will get married in March and Tim is getting married in June! My poor, poor, poor sister. It's a good thing she had all boys....can you imagine if she had two daughters getting...