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Turkeys and Two More Followers!

Such a beautiful day out there today.  As I look through my window at this noon hour, the sun is beaming through and melting the snow! This afternoon, I will have to move my work station to a different location, the sun will come through my unshaded window and I won't be able to see my laptop.  But, that's okay with me.  I love the sun! Tom Turkey is being harvested today.  We bought a homegrown turkey from Ezra Yoder and Bobby will go pick it up today.  My mom always loved fresh turkeys for Thanksgiving, so I had the chance to follow in her footsteps and went right to the source.  Hopefully it will be as good as last year.  Everyone enjoyed it, but honestly, I can't remember what I did to make it so great.  Did I brine it?  Or not?  Did I put it in the oven? Or in the roaster?  What seasonings did I use?  I have no idea. So, I will pull up Pioneer Woman and find out what she does and then I'll copy it. My nephew, his wife ...

Learning from the Young Ones

If you follow some of the young bloggers out there on Instagram, you know, those chic moms who have beautiful homes, perfect wardrobes and more on the ball than I ever thought of having at age 30, then you've seen how they are all revealing their Christmas decor.  I just want to say....I'm not ready yet!  I just took down the dead ferns that were hanging on my front porch with the fourth of July swag.  I just turned the calendar from summer to fall and they are already on Christmas! They have young children, I don't.  They are on Instagram filming a zillion stories in a day, I'm not.  Their wardrobes are complete from A to Z in their huge walk-in closets and I'm over here with my old Farmhouse closet that I'm constantly shoving clothes into because I don't have enough room.  While I may sound just a little jealous of their closets, which I am, I will admit, I have learned a ton from them!  They know more about hair, make-up and shopping hacks than ...

A Day at Plainfield Farm

It's a chilly Saturday morning at Plainfield Farms in Belmont, Ohio where they are hosting the Ohio Holstein Fall Tour! The Simpson Family has been preparing for Holstein enthusiasts to come and enjoy some great food, fellowship and take a gander at some beautiful Holsteins. This is where it's all happening today at 11 am in Belmont, Ohio! The younger generation made the Fall Tour pre-party fun. Allie Bourne, Ben Simpson and Hannah Dye keep things lively! We came down last night and had a great meal at the Simpsons all graciously prepared by Marty Dye. It doesn't get any better than homemade lasagna with a choice of Chocolate or Pumpkin pie for dessert.  And yes, I had a small slice of both. You can't eat just one piece of's only proper to sample each kind. Oh...there must be a Spartan Fan down here in Ohio! The Simpson crew was gettin' after it this morning.  Have a great Saturday!

Snow! Before Thanksgiving!

It's a snowy Friday morning in my neck of the woods! I wasn't expecting snow this early, I guess I haven't been watching the weather very closely. Snow before Thanksgiving is honestly unacceptable. I just finished a phone call with the local Salvation Army Church as part of a story I'm working on for the MMPA Milk Messenger about the 10 Gallon Milk Challenge that has become popular this year.  I explained what it was and the Captain said that milk was in huge demand. She said someone came in just last week with crates of half gallons of milk and she couldn't believe how quickly they went. It's time people.  The price of milk in the store is at an all time low.  Why not go buy 10 gallons of milk and take it to your local food pantry or Salvation Army.  It helps the demand for milk and puts the best food we produce in the bellies of hungry people.  It's honestly a match made in heaven.....well, maybe that's too far, but it's definitely one of t...

Where my Inspiration Comes From

I heard last week that people need to be inspired. It’s easy to be negative but it takes energy and effort to be positive, optimistic and yes, it takes a whole lot more than mediocrity to be inspired. I have my bouts with negativity.   There are days when inspiration is easy and others when I’m praying for it because every fiber in my body is saying, “Blah, blah, blah.” My latest inspiration came a week ago when on a dreary, cold, fall day I picked up a 15-year-old boy who needed a ride to the school to catch the bus that was going to the FFA Broiler contest. This young man had every reason to stay in his warm bed that morning until the school bus came. But instead he was peeking out the window at 5:45 a.m., waiting for me to drive up so he could hop in, with a bright, sunny attitude and start the conversation with, “How are you this morning Mrs. Hart?” That’s where I get my inspiration.   I was standing behind Munsell’s Poultry Processing in Fowlerville, Michigan,...

A Predesigned Path I Never Saw Coming

I met him when his father, Mike, became the pastor at our church. He was the same age as our oldest son and just as mischievous. When they were together on the farm, I never knew whether to be thankful they were outside and occupied or worried that they might burn the barn down. Let’s just say there were some broken barn windows because some young boys were having a rock throwing contest. Our families were close and I loved serving under his father’s leadership. His mom, Debbie and I spent countless hours in prayer over ministry and our families.  And when his father was called to shepherd a flock in Kentucky it was one of the most difficult losses I’ve endured outside of my family. Over the next few years they came back and pastored our church and then left yet again for Tennessee to serve a church and be closer to their family. Only this time Branden didn’t go with them. He stayed in Michigan, finished college, married and settled down. Today, he still attends the church w...

The Iowa Wedding

Our family gathered in Decorah, Iowa to witness the marriage of Emily Bicknese and my nephew, Tom Stene. We all stayed at the same hotel, we all ate together and had a great time running around after the great grandkids (my great nieces and nephews). When I wasn't busy making sure toddlers weren't crying, I tried to get a lot of photos. Not everyone is included in these photos....but again....I was running around after toddlers trying to keep them cut me some slack. (wink)