Good Monday Morning from a sunny, warm Knolltop! It's Dairy Days this week and while we have no cattle going up, the kids will still participate in the contests. Today is quiz bowl, so Luke, Sarah and Jake will go up for that while JW will be working for Koebels all week. Yes, JW is back in our midst, if only for a matter of hours before he leaves again. I've been following him around like a puppy since he got home asking all about is NASCAR adventures. We have laughed so much, mostly because of his story telling, he's very good at it, but his view of NASCAR compared to so many others. JW works for Competition Tire and they will go to a NASCAR race and mount and balance all the tires used by all the race cars. Some of these cars will go through 15 sets of practice tires and then 20 sets for the actual race. That is an amazing number of tires if you ask me, especially at $500 per tire! Anyway, JW and the crew work down in the pits d...
I'm Melissa Hart and I'm glad you're here! Follow my instagram @farmwriter