It's a dreary day here on the Knolltop ! The temp is dropping..when I arose this morning it was 47, now it's down to 35. Bobby finally made it to Montana after spending a little time in Cincinnati , no, he wasn't a happy camper when he called. I'm sure I've mentioned before that he flies stand by..well that's great if you're me, a youngest and you don't have a care in the world about where you're going or what time you'll get there and you're more interested to see how many people you can meet and get to know. But when you're an oldest and you like to be in control of your's not so good. He called this morning while standing in my sister's barn watching my brother-in-law milk his cows. I'm sure that was a trip, watching the man who crafts the most beautiful handmade cabinets, milking cows. I never would've imagined! Meanwhile back at the ranch....or farmstead....the power went off in the middle of th...
I'm Melissa Hart and I'm glad you're here! Follow my instagram @farmwriter