It's a warm, sunny day here on the Knolltop. The troops are busy at work doing their own jobs. The big boys are hauling manure, Jake is doing odd jobs around the house and Sarah is cleaning out my cupboards while I finish up a story for Holstein International and then do my weekly column and maybe even another story all before I head into town get the tags for our vehicles and get a new battery for the lawnmower so Jake can now mow again for the second time this week. Now for the Name the Fitter contest. Of all the guesses I had emailed to me yesterday I had only one winner! And that winner was Russell Gammon our Jersey fanatic from Jersey Canada! He guessed the correct nick name and it was "Cowboy." An interesting story about the fitter we featured on Monday, "Bear." Mandy Nunes from Scientific Holsteins in Wisconsin emailed me and told me who "Bear" really was. His real name is Shane Hulle, the son of a friend of theirs up in Wisconsin, Annie Hulle o...
I'm Melissa Hart and I'm glad you're here! Follow my instagram @farmwriter