Good Morning from a cloudy kind of rainy knolltop!
I've got writing to do, so I will make this quick, but yesterday Sarah and I were busy most of the day making jam. It was Sarah's first stab at the process and she did a great job! She made a batch of strawberry and a batch of blueberry. She will enter her jams in the fair this year, so we have two more kinds to make.
She wasn't to excited when I told her what we were going to do, but then after she took over and I just watched she enjoyed the whole process. We made cooked jam, just like my mom used to do. And this morning I had the skimmings of the Strawberry jam on a roll and I told everyone else we coudn't touch the jam until the snow flies!
I was most impressed with the fact that the fruit in the jam is evenly spread throughout the jar, this has never happened to me, it always floats to the top. I guess Sarah has the secret touch!
The little homemaker then made a blueberry crisp for dessert and finished up the homemade rolls for dinner. She was my slave in the kitchen for sure yesterday. Today she is no where to be found!
Off to write!
The garden is doing great, been canning dill pickles every night since Saturday. There will be more tonight. Only 120 more quarts to go. Then some bread and butters. I froze my strawberries and will make jam later. Tell Sarah to put a pat of real butter in her jam and it will get rid of the skim. The garden has been providing lots of food for many already. Now there are tons of zuccinni, summer squash, broccoli, early cabbage, beets and potatoes. Corn won't be far off and the same for the green beans.
My last day for the paying job is on Friday, so I will be off the record until nephew #1 configures a computer for me.
Regards to all.
Francis and Pat