Good Friday morning from a cloudy, cold Knolltop. It was 18 when we crossed the road to milk the cows...and boy it felt like it!
Last evening Bobby, Luke and Jake wanted to go to the Hillsdale College mens basketball game. They were playing the Lake Superior State Lakers and Micah Hudson who plays on that team is a boy from our church, so naturally I wanted to go see Micah play. So I told them I was going too. Jake was seriously disappointed that I would even think of horning in on the "Three Amigos" fun time at Jesse Phillips Arena. But I went anyway.
I asked who was going to get the popcorn and I was told that doesn't happen until half time. When they finally visited the concession stand, I was really looking forward to some good popcorn. They came back with three bags of popcorn and three drinks and I got the message. They were generous enough to share their popcorn, but I still knew I wasn't a part of the clan.
Sitting on the end, Jake took pity on me and came over to sit down by me. As he was sitting down he said, "Since I know you don't know diddly about Chargers Basketball, I'll sit down here and clue you in on what's going on and who's who on the team." Acceptance was all but had at this point. So I proceeded to act like the dumb mom and by the end of the game we were sharing snickers and M&Ms. But I'll never go again.
I was going to talk about the photo shoot, but now I've got to get to the barn and help get the cows in before the water bowls freeze!
Last evening Bobby, Luke and Jake wanted to go to the Hillsdale College mens basketball game. They were playing the Lake Superior State Lakers and Micah Hudson who plays on that team is a boy from our church, so naturally I wanted to go see Micah play. So I told them I was going too. Jake was seriously disappointed that I would even think of horning in on the "Three Amigos" fun time at Jesse Phillips Arena. But I went anyway.
I asked who was going to get the popcorn and I was told that doesn't happen until half time. When they finally visited the concession stand, I was really looking forward to some good popcorn. They came back with three bags of popcorn and three drinks and I got the message. They were generous enough to share their popcorn, but I still knew I wasn't a part of the clan.
Sitting on the end, Jake took pity on me and came over to sit down by me. As he was sitting down he said, "Since I know you don't know diddly about Chargers Basketball, I'll sit down here and clue you in on what's going on and who's who on the team." Acceptance was all but had at this point. So I proceeded to act like the dumb mom and by the end of the game we were sharing snickers and M&Ms. But I'll never go again.
I was going to talk about the photo shoot, but now I've got to get to the barn and help get the cows in before the water bowls freeze!