Picture of the day:
This is the world renown Palmerton family. L to R: Francis and Patty and Francis brother, Claude. Remember, these are the people who dispersed the famed Hapalson Jersey herd in September and as a result caused havoc in my household by making me buy two brown cows?????? But seriously, they used to be good friends of mine, (just joking) but they've been long time friends of my family and ever since they sold their workload rumor has it they are now out and about RVing around the country bathing in the hot springs in Montana, sipping champagne in the ski lodges in Vale and otherwise enjoying the good life at the end of a long road of dairying. (None of this may be true, that's just what I imagine and it was fun to write.)Good Morning from a calm before the storm Knolltop. We're supposed to get some bad weather tonight and tomorrow, so today is the running around day to get all the things I should've gotten last week if I were a good mother of the only granddaughter on both sides of the family who's 13th birthday is tomorrow!
Christmas tree, Christmas presents, birthday presents, cards, money, groceries, cow feed and pizza are all on the must get list for today. Then the boys have a game tonight in Hillsdale and who knows how many kids will show up at the dinner table????
Now it's time to head back out to the barn for more chores!
Francis and Pat