Another beautiful day here on the Knolltop! The sun is shining and it's warming up nicely, it's already 60 out!
The boys had a game last night, neither one of the played, it was a non league game so most of the freshmen played. They lost. But it was a nice break to sit and visit with my BFF Sue and my mom! We had a great time sitting in the sun.
We've dried up a few cows so milking is much quicker these days. And the cows are staying out all the time so that's nice too. I had four renegade heifers get out yesterday morning. They were so funny, they aren't show calves so they haven't been worked with and yet trying to drive them back in where they belong was no easy task. They would just stand there. I would tap them on the hip and they'd take a step and then stop. They are a very quiet group!
Jake is happy now, he's back in the mowing business. Last night after the game he hopped on the mower and went at it. Boy does he love mowing!
It's time for breakfast....better get!
The boys had a game last night, neither one of the played, it was a non league game so most of the freshmen played. They lost. But it was a nice break to sit and visit with my BFF Sue and my mom! We had a great time sitting in the sun.
We've dried up a few cows so milking is much quicker these days. And the cows are staying out all the time so that's nice too. I had four renegade heifers get out yesterday morning. They were so funny, they aren't show calves so they haven't been worked with and yet trying to drive them back in where they belong was no easy task. They would just stand there. I would tap them on the hip and they'd take a step and then stop. They are a very quiet group!
Jake is happy now, he's back in the mowing business. Last night after the game he hopped on the mower and went at it. Boy does he love mowing!
It's time for breakfast....better get!