Knolltop Farm Wife (Melissa Hart)

Welcome to my blog! I'm a wife, mother of four and a self-employed freelance writer. In addition to writing, I am involved in producing several dairy magazines and am the editor of Dairy Agenda Today where I have a blog there as well! This is a place where I can get what's in my head, down on paper (the internet). I hope you find encouragement and maybe a giggle or two!
Follow me on instagram @farmwriter

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Is your sweetcorn planted?

It's foggy here on the Knolltop.....and cool.

My sweetcorn is planted and I now have authorization to plant the rest of my garden! Yes, the farming gods came down and planted eight rows of corn leaving me enough space for the rest of my garden. Now, I've got to find the time to go get the seeds and actually plant them!

I made Mr. Darvan stop and pose for the picture, he even smiled! He has no idea how world famous he is now. As you might of guessed, this crop farmer isn't into blogs, in fact he had no idea what a blog was. Nor was he interested in finding out! He just loves planting his crops and watching them grow. At last count, Jake said he farms around 2700 acres. Oh, that's right, you're not supposed to tell how many acres you farm....oops!

JW had a game last evening, they got beat by last year's State Baseball Champions, the Reading Rangers. The score was 6-1, so I guess that wasn't a bad outing considering who they were playing. Tonight he has a home game against Pittsford and Jake has practice.

Better get breakfast!

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