Knolltop Farm Wife (Melissa Hart)

Welcome to my blog! I'm a wife, mother of four and a self-employed freelance writer. In addition to writing, I am involved in producing several dairy magazines and am the editor of Dairy Agenda Today where I have a blog there as well! This is a place where I can get what's in my head, down on paper (the internet). I hope you find encouragement and maybe a giggle or two!
Follow me on instagram @farmwriter

Monday, April 23, 2007

Another win

JW's team had another win tonight and JW's name was in the local sports page for his win over the weekend. That's pretty big stuff considering I didn't even write the piece. In the past, I've been the sports writer for the local school. I send in scores after games and give a little commentary of the game. I'm not doing that this spring, so it's pretty exciting to actually have someone else write about you....and they aren't even related!

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