Good Morning from the Knolltop here in southern Michigan. Knolltop Farm is a dairy farm that my husband and I along with our four children operate. We have registered Holsteins and it's a small family farm.
This morning on the Knolltop it's sunny and about 40 out. We've milked the cows, I've taken the kids to school and now it's time to head back out to the barn for more chores. I'll be back in just in time to write my weekly column and then head to an appointment with my husband.
This morning on the Knolltop it's sunny and about 40 out. We've milked the cows, I've taken the kids to school and now it's time to head back out to the barn for more chores. I'll be back in just in time to write my weekly column and then head to an appointment with my husband.