Good Morning from a sunny going to be warm today Knolltop!
The bush outside my office window is budding and it's so nice to see green!
Okay, I've pulled out a picture from the past. My mom sent this picture to me. It's probably one of my most favorite pictures of me as a kid.
The bush outside my office window is budding and it's so nice to see green!
Okay, I've pulled out a picture from the past. My mom sent this picture to me. It's probably one of my most favorite pictures of me as a kid.
Yes, that's me mixing up calf milk....some things just never change. Although I don't mix it donning striped shorts and spike high heels with an old man's hat, I do mix it up every morning and night.
I loved those high heels. They were my absolute favorite thing to buy at the dime store in town. They were plastic with elastic straps. They never lasted too long because I liked to wear them all over the farm, but I still loved them!
Now I'm off to the barn to bed the cows and feed the heifers....without the heels!