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Showing posts from June, 2009

I'm back!

It's a cloudy, cool morning here on the Knolltop! I see I'm not the only one who didn't blog yesterday, Northview Diary didn't blog either! I'm in good company. Bobby got home Friday night from Dallas...finally. After spending most of the day in airports with his mom. At least they enjoyed each others company! Then on Saturday Sarah and I had a baby shower, so much fun! And then we drove over to Spring Arbor for the boys Shoot Out where they played four basketball games. We were able to see two of them, but then had to come home to milk. It was fun watching both boys on the same team. We had a couple of calves born the last couple of twins! The kids continue to work with their show heifers and I've been working with Holly to get her ready for whatever show Bobby decides to take her to. She looks better and better everyday! It's time to get to work!

Airport surprises!

Good Morning from a sunny and not so hot and steamy knolltop! It's been quite a week around busy, so hot and so surprising! I was held to secrecy until yesterday, but then I didn't have time to post yesterday, why? Because the boss was gone to Dallas! As you might remember from last year, Bobby's sister and mom surprised him for his 50th birthday. Well, Bobby and his mom planned the very same thing for his sister on her 50th! So on Wednesday morning at 3 am, JW and Bobby drove out of the driveway headed for the airport. Just a few hours later Bobby walked up behind his sister in the Dallas airport and said something like "Ma'am, do you need some help?" Startled, Carole turned and found her big brother standing there. Hugging, tears and laughter ensued and they spent the last couple of days visiting, relaxing and Meanwhile back at the ranch we kept the cows milked and fed and kind of cool. And we ourselves tried to stay cool...

Hot and Steamy

Good Morning from a steamy knolltop! It was 71 this morning during chores and it's supposed to reach the 90s! I think swimming is a must today, don't you? I took the kids swimming for a bit yesterday and it felt so good getting in that pool! But I think it wore Jake out, they lost their baseball game last evening. Luke is going to basketball camp every day this week. It's called Hotrock Camp and it is put on by Gary Gray the famous physical therapist who has worked on many famous I've heard??? Gary and his brother Doug sponsor this camp at their home where they have four basketball courts among other things. They kids come from all over and it's free! It also has a Christian emphasis which is really nice. Anyway, Luke has been coming home crispy red. He puts sunscreen on but I think he sweats it off. He said he has never sweat so much in his life! I hope today they will take it easy on the boys, it's too hot for basketball! Okay, I started thi...

Too many things on the plate!

It's a beautiful sunny day here on the Knolltop and I've heard it's going to be a hot one! I was so excited yesterday because I was able to post a video of Holly on the blog. If you haven't seen it, then go look today. I've never posted a video before so this was really cool! Last night Jake had a game, they lost. They have another game tonight and hopefully they will win. That reminds me, I'd better go put his uniform in the wash! I've got so much to do today, gardening, I want to pick some strawberries, I want to take the kids swimming and take my nap poolside, but I know I won't get it all done! Where are the days of summer going? This morning Luke drove himself to basketball camp! Unbelievable, I know! He and his two buddies left early and although it seems strange, it sure is nice for us moms who don't have to worry about taking these boys everywhere! I think I'm loving this! Too much to I'll get!

Happy Anniversary!

It's a beautiful, sunny, going to be hot Knolltop this morning! First of all, let me say a belated Happy Father's Day! And a very Happy Anniversary to my parents. Okay, my sister, Ginny is 53, so that means my parents have been married 52 years today! NOT, just joking! My sister will be 51 this fall, so that means my parents have been married 52 years today! That's a long...long...long time! One week ago today my sister and brother-in-law celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary and one week from today my brother and sister-in-law will celebrate their 13th anniversary! Everyone was married in June...except for me, I was the odd one, I got married in February. It was an eventful weekend! First and most importantly, the first grandson on my side of the family announced his engagement! My second oldest nephew, John popped the question to his girlfriend, Kelsy. They are planning on a May wedding. If I could get my scanner to work I would post pictures of the sweet couple here,...

Luke is Legal

Good Morning from a stormy Knolltop . It's been raining all morning and last check of the rain gauge shows nearly 4 inches! Luke is officially legal to drive now! He passed his drivers test, we went to the Secretary of State's office and go this license and now he can drive! I'm not old enough to have two drivers in the family! From Sarah's comment left yesterday they sound like they are having way too much shopping fun without me. Grandma is probably still recovering for all that shopping and will be too exhausted to go today with me! Of course anyone who knows Grandma knows that she can out shop the best of 'em! My sister and I would go shopping with her and by 1 pm, we were dragging through the mall and she was still full of vim and vigor! Did I mention we had another set of twins the other day? Both heifers this time. That makes our third set this spring! They are the cutest things! Better get going so I can horn in on Sarah's fun!

Another Driver

Good Morning from a cloudy Knolltop! Today I will gain another licensed driver! Luke and I are headed to Adrian for his drivers test and then to the Secretary of State's office for the other test and then hopefully, he will pass and be legal and everything! But before that I've got way too much to get done and you know why? Because SARAH refuses to come home and help me out! Instead she and Grandma are flitting about the outlet mall WITHOUT me! Tomorrow all the fun will end, I'm coming to get you Sarah! One more thing, I added another blog. Java Girl's World is a blog written by my BFF Nancy from my childhood. She is one of those friends who you share a lot of memories with and as the years have gone by we still keep in touch. Take a look at her blog! Better head out!

Kissing Shirts

Good Morning from an overcast Knolltop. I've been busting at the seams to share this with you. Yesterday I received a package in the mail from Shady Knoll, a retired farmwife who comments on this blog. Back when I was writing about the milk promotion shirts like "Milk Drinkers are Better lovers" she posted a comment telling me that she had some milk t-shirts that she would send to me. Yesterday I received the shirt and a kind note! I immediately told JW to put it on so I could take a picture of it to share here. JW decided to pose for the camera....cute huh? I took a few pictures, but accidentally deleted a couple of them from the camera, so these are the only two left. Isn't that awesome? Don't you wish you had one of these shirts? I think I'll get some made up for the kids to use as show shirts at the summer show! Not that I want them running around kissing people, but I think they are great shirts. THANKS Shady Knoll! Last night Grandma came down for Jake...

A new project across the road!

Well, it's a sunny/cloudy almost afternoon here on the Knolltop ! I've had more phone calls and interruptions this morning that I'm near noon posting on this blog! Bobby and I attended our first school board meeting last night: Big Mistake. We thought there was going to controversy about a situation, so we went to show support for the good guys, BUT the bad guys didn't show up! So needless to say there was no controversy even though at one point I thought I was in the middle of a Jerry Springer show with everyone talking at once. Because the board president wasn't quick enough on the draw to stop all the passionate conversations that we happening all at once, I yelled out,"Hey, everyone needs to stop talking all at once, I feel like I'm at a Jerry Spring show, one person at a time please!" Silence ensued and everyone went back to remembering their manners while Bobby hid his head in embarrassment! Oh well, I just had to say it! Now we will move on t...

Sunny Monday Morning!

Good Monday Morning from a very sunny, very beautiful knolltop! Luke and Dewey, otherwise known as Lewey, have left to rake hay, they plan on baling this afternoon. Dewey spent the night last night, he's practically family. At least I put him to work like family! JW is out fixing fence, Sarah is doing dishes and Jake just got done folding laundry....yes, the little slaves are working their fingers to the bone! Jake's birthday celebration last week. We had magic candles on the cake...what a hoot! The new barn roof is coming along nicely! I can't wait until it's all finished. I will take pictures when it's done. Jake worked with his 4-H heifer, LaFonduh Saturday night. I'm not sure about his technique. Jake and Sarah learning how to load hay from Gramps! Saturday we all went different directions, Luke was mowing hay, JW was selling flowers for FFA, Bobby was home taking care of things here, while I went to my folks to get some hay. Then that evening, JW went to...

Happy Birthday Jake!

It's a cloudy kind of rainy morning on the Knolltop! And it's JAKE'S BIRTHDAY! Twelve years ago today at 7:45 am, I gave birth to Jacob Warren Hart and it was the best birth ever. Why? It was the only one I had DRUGS for! The other three kids were all natural and after I had Jake I kicked myself for not doing drugs for the first three! It was so easy laying there having contractions and not feeling them. OHHHHH it was so nice! Anyway, Jake had his breakfast of choice this morning, French Toast and later today he will have a friend over. We'll have chocolate cake and ice cream and open presents. He also has a game tonight, if it doesn't get rained out! They boys are still working on the hay mower, it's a good thing it's going to rain!

Heavenly Baseball

Good Morning from a cloudy and about to rain any minute Knolltop! My day is getting away from me! All day yesterday I thought I would post on this blog, but I've had computer issues again so I found myself trying to play catch up! Last night I had a dairy leaders meeting but they had to go on without their secretary, I had a baseball game to attend! And today I'm playing dispatcher again. I'm not very good at it either. I wish I had a better memory, there are things that just go in one ear and out the other...that is not a good thing when you're a mom! I'm hoping it will get better with age....maybe? The boys are busy getting the baler and mower ready to go, it's slow going, they keep getting interrupted with work requests. But they love tinkering with all that equipment! Oh, yes, Jake's game report. They won! Jake pitched and had a great game batting! They will play the same team tomorrow night. I have one Jake story to relate before I end this post...

Good Monday Morning!

Good Morning from a rainy Knolltop ! Everyone is good here, I'm a little late this morning, haven't even had breakfast yet. Since we've been out of school, I'm not in a rush to get back into the house. So everything is a little late. So, since I have to cook I think I'll post some pictures instead. Jake was tormenting the girls on Memorial Day. Can you tell what this is? A birds nest! The orange color woven throughout the nest is orange twine from the hay bales. Even birds find binder twine useful in their homes! JW played a few melodies on his guitar while we sat by the fire on Memorial Day weekend. He didn't know I was taking this picture, otherwise he wouldn't have cooperated! What's a holiday without a friendly game of football. JW , Luke and Jake with their friends Zach, the little one and Dewey the other big boy. Now that breakfast is over, I've got bunches to do! Later!

Last day of School!

Good Morning from a sunny Knolltop! Bobby and I just got home from the school where they had the elementary awards ceremony. Jake got a presidential award....sounds so impressive doesn't it? The kids have a half day of school today and then they are done for the summer!!!! I think we'll mow this afternoon and get on some planting tasks. They don't know that yet! Jake has a game tonight and then Luke has basketball practice. What a schedule, it never ends!

Baseball games and awards

I've been trying for an hour to write on this blog....but haven't been too successful, so hopefully I can get it done now! Good Morning from a sunny Knolltop. Wait, I've got to go make a cup of coffee! There, that's better, now I can write. Yesterday we went up to Jake's field day, they played games and had a lot of fun, I took a couple of pictures that I will share. On Monday night we had the sports banquet where the boys were honored. Luke earned his varsity letter, as a freshman and since JW earned his as a freshman too, this year he received a pin to put on his varsity jacket. Now Luke will have to get a varsity jacket! Jake was the manager of the team and got a certificate too! Then last night Jake was supposed to have his first game but the Waldron team didn't show, so they scrimmaged the Pony League team. Nonetheless I took some pictures of Jake pitching! When the scrimmage was over, Dad and son went over every detail because....well....that's...

Tuesday's Rural Route

Good Tuesday morning from an overcast and had been raining Knolltop. I just got done doing Rural Route Radio with Trent Loos and not Kyle Bauer. I guess Kyle was in some meeting in South Dakota or Minnesota or somewhere. It must be an important one, he won't even answer my emails! He's one of those you can catch emailing on his Blackberry in a meeting, so if he's not emailing me, either my question about the weather in SD isn't important enough to interrupt his meeting with an answer or he's actually decided to be responsible and put his phone on silent! Anyway, I got to sit in for Kyle and the guest was a farmer from Nebraska who had been arrested several times for protesting in front of abortion clinics. It was a very interesting hour! We are starting to calve the 15 cows that are due in the next couple of months. And so far we don't have any keepers, meaning the three calves that were born were bulls, well actually one was a set of twins a bull and a h...

Marvelous Monday

Good Monday Morning from a rainy Knolltop. The sun came up this morning and it was beautiful, but then the rain moved in. We had a busy weekend here, on Saturday we fed the baseball team breakfast before they played in their district game. My BFF Sue and I made sausage biscuits and granola bars and took it up to the field where the team was taking BP before they left for Homer. I didn't think they would eat much, being nervous about the game and having eaten at home before they came in, but boy was I wrong! They ate like boys like to eat! And I love to feed boys like that! We traveled to Homer where we lost in the first game. Then mom, dad, Sarah and I went to the famed Cascarelli's Pizza for lunch, so it really wasn't such a bad day afterall! Yesterday, JW and I made the trek to Grand Rapids to watch a friend play in the State volleyball tournament. Walking into a huge room with 28 volleyball courts was fun! Every court was full of athletic girls playing their bes...