First of all, let me say a belated Happy Father's Day! And a very Happy Anniversary to my parents. Okay, my sister, Ginny is 53, so that means my parents have been married 52 years today! NOT, just joking! My sister will be 51 this fall, so that means my parents have been married 52 years today! That's a long...long...long time!
One week ago today my sister and brother-in-law celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary and one week from today my brother and sister-in-law will celebrate their 13th anniversary! Everyone was married in June...except for me, I was the odd one, I got married in February.
It was an eventful weekend! First and most importantly, the first grandson on my side of the family announced his engagement! My second oldest nephew, John popped the question to his girlfriend, Kelsy. They are planning on a May wedding. If I could get my scanner to work I would post pictures of the sweet couple here, but I have to get that going first. There's always a stumbling block!
That is the third set of twins is two weeks! And the fourth set this year! Unfortunately, it was a bull and a heifer. While we were hopeful enough to get her tested, the vet came by this morning and told us she was a freemartin. Yes, sad news, but Holly looks great! She's grown 2 more inches! Yes we got the stick out last night....we just couldn't resist!
With my new camera I can take video, so I did and then I messed around to see if I could post it here and it worked! This is so much fun....I can't wait to take more videos and post them! Wow, what a deal! By the way, Bobby was standing nearby talking on the phone while I was taping, so you can eavesdrop on his conversation!
Weather is good in Montana, finally warming a bit. Garden is growing great, good recovery after the frost. Eating spinach, radishes and brocolli so far. Kohlorabi look ripe for the plucking. Soon should have new potatoes.
Farmers are busy with their first cutting of hay, and man does there look like there will be lots of hay. Corn fields look amazing great also. Will be close to knee high by the 4th of July.
Grandma's 90th birthday party on the 5th of July. All will be home except for the nephew in Canada.