Good Morning from a cloudy and about to rain any minute Knolltop!
My day is getting away from me! All day yesterday I thought I would post on this blog, but I've had computer issues again so I found myself trying to play catch up!
Last night I had a dairy leaders meeting but they had to go on without their secretary, I had a baseball game to attend!
And today I'm playing dispatcher again. I'm not very good at it either. I wish I had a better memory, there are things that just go in one ear and out the other...that is not a good thing when you're a mom! I'm hoping it will get better with age....maybe?
The boys are busy getting the baler and mower ready to go, it's slow going, they keep getting interrupted with work requests. But they love tinkering with all that equipment!
Oh, yes, Jake's game report. They won! Jake pitched and had a great game batting! They will play the same team tomorrow night.
I have one Jake story to relate before I end this post. Monday night we had a storm blow through. There were tornado watches out, but not knowing the degree of seriousness, Jake was worried. Playing cards with Sarah and I, Jake got real somber and I asked him what was wrong.
"I'm afraid the tornado is going to come through and kill us."
I replied, "Well, do you know where you'll go if you die? Heaven or Hell?"
Jake said, "Yeah, I'm going to heaven."
I replied, "Then if you're sure you're going to heaven when you die, what are you afraid of? There is no fear when you know you have a relationship with Jesus and you're headed to heaven."
Jake said, "Well...sob..whimper....whimper.......I wanted to play more baseball."
With that I reached over and gave him a big hug, trying not to bust out laughing and assured him, "God is building a special place just for you Jake, it even says that in His Word. And he knows exactly what you like and I bet he might even have a baseball diamond in your spot in heaven!"
Pretty soon the whimpering stopped and we resumed our game of "Spoons." By the way, I lost.
My day is getting away from me! All day yesterday I thought I would post on this blog, but I've had computer issues again so I found myself trying to play catch up!
Last night I had a dairy leaders meeting but they had to go on without their secretary, I had a baseball game to attend!
And today I'm playing dispatcher again. I'm not very good at it either. I wish I had a better memory, there are things that just go in one ear and out the other...that is not a good thing when you're a mom! I'm hoping it will get better with age....maybe?
The boys are busy getting the baler and mower ready to go, it's slow going, they keep getting interrupted with work requests. But they love tinkering with all that equipment!
Oh, yes, Jake's game report. They won! Jake pitched and had a great game batting! They will play the same team tomorrow night.
I have one Jake story to relate before I end this post. Monday night we had a storm blow through. There were tornado watches out, but not knowing the degree of seriousness, Jake was worried. Playing cards with Sarah and I, Jake got real somber and I asked him what was wrong.
"I'm afraid the tornado is going to come through and kill us."
I replied, "Well, do you know where you'll go if you die? Heaven or Hell?"
Jake said, "Yeah, I'm going to heaven."
I replied, "Then if you're sure you're going to heaven when you die, what are you afraid of? There is no fear when you know you have a relationship with Jesus and you're headed to heaven."
Jake said, "Well...sob..whimper....whimper.......I wanted to play more baseball."
With that I reached over and gave him a big hug, trying not to bust out laughing and assured him, "God is building a special place just for you Jake, it even says that in His Word. And he knows exactly what you like and I bet he might even have a baseball diamond in your spot in heaven!"
Pretty soon the whimpering stopped and we resumed our game of "Spoons." By the way, I lost.