Hey from the Knolltop.
I will now try to update you on the last couple of days in our lives...as if any of you care besides my family!
The recent FFA banquet brought some surprises to my boys and to me. After a wonderful potluck, the FFA advisor, Mike Everett began handing out awards. My boys knew of most of the awards they would be getting until it came to the Star Farmer award. When JW's name was called off, he was very surpris
ed and pleased to receive it. They were also handing out the awards for the members with the most points. You earn points by how involved you are in all aspects of FFA. So the more you do, the more points you receive. The winner for Junior High was Luke and the winner for Senior High was JW. Boy was I a proud mom! The awards were very nice, but a gas card would've been a nice bonus!
Then at the end Mr. Everett presented me with a pen and pencil set for going to the State Convention and for writing so many positive articles about FFA. Anyone who knows me knows I love little stuff like that. That was a very nice gesture and I appreciated it very much!