Well, it's a cloudy afternoon here on the Knolltop and I've got a really good reason for not posting this morning. Our fearless leader went on a vacation. He's out visiting some friends of ours and so now I've got his responsiblities too. But let me say this: I could not take care of this farm without the help of my four wonderful children!
I've said it before and I'll say it again....farm kids are special. While they are not perfect in the least and I have complained about them slacking off in the past, I have to say when they are needed to step up to the plate and make a hit, they usually hit a homerun!
They have been great at pitching in and helping out to take up the slack and now I'm realizing they are capable of much more than I've given them credit. Tomorrow night will be a test. I will be speaking in Ohio at an FFA event and JW will be in charge. He can do it...as long as he keeps his mind in check. It's when he starts to daydream and then forgets which cow he's already milked, that's when I have to worry. But I'm sure he will do fine...especially if he has some PRAYER support! (That's where you come in)
This morning I made an emergency phone call to the neighbor....who just so happens to be an electrician....lucky me! I turned on the auger to fill the grain cart and nothing happened. Because I'm a gracious neighbor and I didn't want to wake him up at 4:30 am....I waited until 6:45 to call. He walked in, looking and sounding a bit under the weather and came to my rescue. I'm not sure if I should tell you how simple it was....but I will. It was a tripped breaker. But for heaven's sake, how was I supposed to know? I'm not an electrician! :)
I thanked him for saving the farm and we were both glad it was simple. Then on the way in for breakfast we had a herd of heifers who decided to take a walk. The boys and I got them back in and I decided we needed donuts. Since Mr. Kaiser bought yesterday, I sent the boys into Jonesville Bakery for a dozen sugar bombs.
Mr. Kaiser came, we ate donuts and they went on their way to work and I went on mine.
Now it's nearly time for lunch and then back to the barn. If you're inclined...pray for us!
I've said it before and I'll say it again....farm kids are special. While they are not perfect in the least and I have complained about them slacking off in the past, I have to say when they are needed to step up to the plate and make a hit, they usually hit a homerun!
They have been great at pitching in and helping out to take up the slack and now I'm realizing they are capable of much more than I've given them credit. Tomorrow night will be a test. I will be speaking in Ohio at an FFA event and JW will be in charge. He can do it...as long as he keeps his mind in check. It's when he starts to daydream and then forgets which cow he's already milked, that's when I have to worry. But I'm sure he will do fine...especially if he has some PRAYER support! (That's where you come in)
This morning I made an emergency phone call to the neighbor....who just so happens to be an electrician....lucky me! I turned on the auger to fill the grain cart and nothing happened. Because I'm a gracious neighbor and I didn't want to wake him up at 4:30 am....I waited until 6:45 to call. He walked in, looking and sounding a bit under the weather and came to my rescue. I'm not sure if I should tell you how simple it was....but I will. It was a tripped breaker. But for heaven's sake, how was I supposed to know? I'm not an electrician! :)
I thanked him for saving the farm and we were both glad it was simple. Then on the way in for breakfast we had a herd of heifers who decided to take a walk. The boys and I got them back in and I decided we needed donuts. Since Mr. Kaiser bought yesterday, I sent the boys into Jonesville Bakery for a dozen sugar bombs.
Mr. Kaiser came, we ate donuts and they went on their way to work and I went on mine.
Now it's nearly time for lunch and then back to the barn. If you're inclined...pray for us!