Good Morning from the Knolltop! It's cold here..although I received warm greetings from a dairy farm in New York's still cold here! Hey you guys in the west...send us some warmer weather..I'm tired of winter already!
JW's team won last night and so did the varsity team with a half court shot at the buzzer for the win. We beat Jackson Christian and my pastor and his wife sat with us so we were able to enjoy the victory in their company! Oh....did that feel good. They were good sports about it.
I was reading a blog yesterday from the North east and they were elated that Pennsylvania reversed their labeling laws and decided it was okay to put rBST free on their milk labels. This is a big step backward, I think. Anything that incinuates that our milk supply....our WHOLE milk supply is less than nutritious or safe is dangerous and wrong. Milk is Milk. But I'm not getting on the bandwagon today....I'll let you do it.
Do any of you out there have an opinion on this issue? I'd love to hear it...whether you're a dairy producer, city dweller, organic producer whatever...I want to hear what you think.
Boy do I have to write today...I've got two stories and a column to create.....what would I do without a deadline?
JW's team won last night and so did the varsity team with a half court shot at the buzzer for the win. We beat Jackson Christian and my pastor and his wife sat with us so we were able to enjoy the victory in their company! Oh....did that feel good. They were good sports about it.
I was reading a blog yesterday from the North east and they were elated that Pennsylvania reversed their labeling laws and decided it was okay to put rBST free on their milk labels. This is a big step backward, I think. Anything that incinuates that our milk supply....our WHOLE milk supply is less than nutritious or safe is dangerous and wrong. Milk is Milk. But I'm not getting on the bandwagon today....I'll let you do it.
Do any of you out there have an opinion on this issue? I'd love to hear it...whether you're a dairy producer, city dweller, organic producer whatever...I want to hear what you think.
Boy do I have to write today...I've got two stories and a column to create.....what would I do without a deadline?
A few other comments not about milk labeling: We enjoy your column in the Farmer's Advance, my husband especially liked the one a few weeks ago when you talked about the teen aged girls starting to come around and your son. Also, I would have liked to attend the dairy conference in Frankenmuth, but other commitments will keep me away, the partners program looks great. But I received my Farm Women's Symposium newsletter and see one of the speakers will be there, maybe I can work out a couple days on the west side of the state. Keep up the good work!