It's a balmy 55 out this morning and it's a good thing because Jake wanted to wear his new Packer's hat to school.
Over the weekend, Jake had another big blessing. The farm family up the road are good friends of ours. They are crop farmers and run over a lot of ground. In the fall and spring, Jake gets to "hang" with these folks...he calls it working. Last year, the whole family received Carhart farm coats with their farm name embroidered on the back. Jake was very envious of these jackets and they knew it. They told him they would order one for him...or so Jake said they said they would order one for him. I kept thinking to myself that it was more of a hope of Jake's and not a promise of these nice friends.
Well, me of little faith, Jake showed up in the barn Saturday night to do his chores with a brand new dark green Carhart coat that said, "Schoenberger Farms" on the back. I was elated that they thought so much of Jake to buy a farm coat for him. This coat has now sealed Jake's assumption that he is an actual part of the Schoenberger Farms Team...whether they want him or not. They are an awesome family!
And for a game report from the MSU girls basketball game on Saturday....they lost to Penn State. It was still lots of fun though. What was amazing to me was all the people we knew there. I was going with the assumption that we wouldn't see anyone we knew in 4-H...instead we ran into so many people we knew and even sat with the crew from Nugentdale Farms.
We had awesome seats...eight rows up from the court and we had a blast!
Well, it's time to get going. With the kids back in school...all except Sarah who caught Bobby's will get back into a routine now and maybe I'll get something accomplished.
Over the weekend, Jake had another big blessing. The farm family up the road are good friends of ours. They are crop farmers and run over a lot of ground. In the fall and spring, Jake gets to "hang" with these folks...he calls it working. Last year, the whole family received Carhart farm coats with their farm name embroidered on the back. Jake was very envious of these jackets and they knew it. They told him they would order one for him...or so Jake said they said they would order one for him. I kept thinking to myself that it was more of a hope of Jake's and not a promise of these nice friends.
Well, me of little faith, Jake showed up in the barn Saturday night to do his chores with a brand new dark green Carhart coat that said, "Schoenberger Farms" on the back. I was elated that they thought so much of Jake to buy a farm coat for him. This coat has now sealed Jake's assumption that he is an actual part of the Schoenberger Farms Team...whether they want him or not. They are an awesome family!
And for a game report from the MSU girls basketball game on Saturday....they lost to Penn State. It was still lots of fun though. What was amazing to me was all the people we knew there. I was going with the assumption that we wouldn't see anyone we knew in 4-H...instead we ran into so many people we knew and even sat with the crew from Nugentdale Farms.
We had awesome seats...eight rows up from the court and we had a blast!
Well, it's time to get going. With the kids back in school...all except Sarah who caught Bobby's will get back into a routine now and maybe I'll get something accomplished.
I just had to rub that in ;-)
It stinks to go see your team and see them lose. Hope we didn't beat you too badly!
Beth in PA
Tell Jake, the cap and coat are are for show not work or barn. S B H
Well, I'll let you think that God is a Penn State fan...but I have to ask you, what color is grass and snow? HA! No, they didn't get beat too bad...I was very disappointed in our star player Alissa DeHaan...she must have been sick or something.
SBH--pictures to come...the coat is so cool!