Knolltop Farm Wife (Melissa Hart)

Welcome to my blog! I'm a wife, mother of four and a self-employed freelance writer. In addition to writing, I am involved in producing several dairy magazines and am the editor of Dairy Agenda Today where I have a blog there as well! This is a place where I can get what's in my head, down on paper (the internet). I hope you find encouragement and maybe a giggle or two!
Follow me on instagram @farmwriter

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A trip to Brookview

Good Morning from another cool Knolltop. It took me half way through the heifer chores to take off my sweatshirt...that's a cool morning!
Yesterday I said we would travel down memory here we go. While JW was on a judging trip in Ohio, they stopped at Brookview Farms where Bobby used to be the herd manager. They walked in and Eric Havens greeted them and apparently took one look at JW and said, "You're Bobby's son!" They visited for a bit and then Eric disappeared and came back with several pictures of cows they had bred over the years and all of them had Bobby and the halter. He thought JW would enjoy bringing them home to Bobby and then listening to a story about each cow.
And that's what happened. JW walked in the door and immediately took the pictures to his dad and they looked them all over. Here are a few of them.

This is Brookview Brightstar Hattie. I don't remember her story...but look at how skinny Bobby is!And this is Brookview Kit Danelle. I've heard this name quite a few times but if you think I remember what her story is....think again! I'm lucky that her name rings a bell. But look at those tight jeans on Bobby!This is Brookview Christopher Cheer. Her name doesn't ring a bell, I remember nothing about her. So that means she was just an average milk cow and must not have made it to very many shows. Look at that rump...who would want to take her to the show! (Sorry Eric)This is Brookview Valiant Honey-ET. I do remember Bobby saying he really liked this heifer. And I really like the guy in the picture.And this is Knolltop Aspen Honey. Yes, her name does ring a bell, I know her personally, I even take her for walks and give her a bath....she's Holly's daughter! We just got our pictures back from Frank and I had to share them...I'll share Pontoon's picture tomorrow!