Knolltop Farm Wife (Melissa Hart)

Welcome to my blog! I'm a wife, mother of four and a self-employed freelance writer. In addition to writing, I am involved in producing several dairy magazines and am the editor of Dairy Agenda Today where I have a blog there as well! This is a place where I can get what's in my head, down on paper (the internet). I hope you find encouragement and maybe a giggle or two!
Follow me on instagram @farmwriter

Monday, December 10, 2007


Well, the kids got their school today. We had some freezing rain over night. Actually, yesterday our road was icy so we were well on our way to no school before the weather turned even worse last night.

You know, I've learned one thing as my kids have gotten older....I had a whole lot more freedom when they were little. When they were toddlers and babies, I could throw their clothes on, load them up in the van and run the country side. I could shop when I wanted to, meet a girlfriend for lunch at McDonalds when I wanted to and get our Christmas tree whenever it suited me.

I decided last week that Saturday would be the designated day for Christmas tree shopping. All the kids would be home and we would go and have a great time tromping through the trees selecting the perfect tree. On Saturday morning, JW and Luke were called to work for the neighbor, Jake informed me he had basketball practice at 12 and Sarah at 1:30 pm.

When I came home from my grocery run I promptly hopped back in the van, alone, to rush to get a tree before I had to be home to cook dinner. I got about 100 yards down the road and thought to myself, "Hey, there's no one in this van with you, this is no different than a week day, why are you busting over there to select a tree when you could do this next week?"

I made a U-turn and went back home to put my groceries away and cook dinner. I even got a cat nap in. All my planning went down the drain because of older kids working and playing basketball. Although it's nice to have them toilet trained and out of car seats....there are days when I wish I had a runny nose to wipe, a sippy cup lid to find and some children's silverware to put on the table. This getting older thing is for the birds!

Better go give out the work assignments before they make their own plans! I don't have to clean heifer pens today! Oh...have you ever heard of pack envy? I'll explain that tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

It only gets worse. I thought that toddlers was the worst stage, little did I know. When they are adults with children, there are more people to worry about (health, driving etc) and by now I have no control, just prayer.

threecollie said...

I just happened to stumble on your blog while helping another blogger find dairy blogs written by women. What a delightful bit of luck!
I bookmarked your site and will be back to read more I am sure. Great show cow photos!

Melissa Hart said...

Hey Anonymous....yes, they told me when they were toddlers it would get worse...I couldn't think of anything worse that dirty diapers and bottles of milk that had gotten lost under the couch and found three months later!

And welcome Threecollie! Glad you like the blog and thanks for your now you have to let us in on the collie part of your name...I'm assuming you have three collies?

Anonymous said...

what about diapers aunt lissa? i always thought moms hated those i know i did.


threecollie said...

Three border collies actually. Nice post today...your column I guess. Very well written.