A cool breeze drifted in on the Knolltop this morning. It's finally down to where it should be....55 degrees this morning. And it's going to be cool today only in the low 70s. That's more like it!
Holly the Hottie, as Jerseyboy likes to refer to her, is entered in the North American. I will believe she is going when I see her loaded on the truck and headed south. Until then I will not get my hopes up about this pretty young cow traipsing the tanbark trail.
She will most likely go with Delbert Yoder from Ohio, one of Bobby's buddies from his cattle fitting days. Last week Delbert won the prestigious Mackenzie-Klussendorf award at World Dairy Expo. The exhibitors call it the "barn award." It's basically an award that goes to one of the old faithful cow care takers, the ones who put their lifeblood into a good cow. The one who sweats over getting her topline just right, the one who gets just the right amount of milk in her, the one who does all the work for the love of the cow and then hands her off to a big bellied notable with white pants and a show harness who will take her onto the colored shavings for all the world to see while he heads back to the barn to get the next cow ready. Yes, that is Delbert...he's one of a kind and we love him.
Like I said, I'll believe she's going when I see it. Until then we'll just work and work with her until she's like those push-button winners the boys saw in Madison.
Well, breakfast awaits!
Holly the Hottie, as Jerseyboy likes to refer to her, is entered in the North American. I will believe she is going when I see her loaded on the truck and headed south. Until then I will not get my hopes up about this pretty young cow traipsing the tanbark trail.
She will most likely go with Delbert Yoder from Ohio, one of Bobby's buddies from his cattle fitting days. Last week Delbert won the prestigious Mackenzie-Klussendorf award at World Dairy Expo. The exhibitors call it the "barn award." It's basically an award that goes to one of the old faithful cow care takers, the ones who put their lifeblood into a good cow. The one who sweats over getting her topline just right, the one who gets just the right amount of milk in her, the one who does all the work for the love of the cow and then hands her off to a big bellied notable with white pants and a show harness who will take her onto the colored shavings for all the world to see while he heads back to the barn to get the next cow ready. Yes, that is Delbert...he's one of a kind and we love him.
Like I said, I'll believe she's going when I see it. Until then we'll just work and work with her until she's like those push-button winners the boys saw in Madison.
Well, breakfast awaits!