Good Morning from the Knolltop! It's overcast and 48 out this morning. I think it's supposed to be warmer today.
Yesterday the neighbor came down and wanted to borrow a tractor for a hayride. After figuring out he had never driven a tractor with a hand clutch, I decided there was no way he was getting on my tractor. Selfish and protective...yes...that was not a proud God moment, I'm sure.
He borrowed Luke's tractor instead, it's prettier anyway. In order to get Luke's tractor out of the tractor barn, I had to back mine out first, so I thought I would just put it on display for the afternoon under the Maple tree.
The hayride was successful, no accidents, no broken tractors, just a nice fall hayride for a bunch of little kids. After chores, Luke and I still had to put our tractors away. ...that's when he started talkin' smack about my tractor.
He began by telling me his tractor was bigger than mine. "Whatever!" was my intelligent reply. So we measured and yes, his tractor is taller than mine. Okay...I still stand by "Whatever!"
Then I said, "Luke, my tractor eats spikes for breakfast," in the best sneer I could manage. He then copied his intelligent mother's reply with "Whatever!"
Then he leaned up against the back tire of his tractor and cocked his head to one side and said, "Mom, you know what my tractor eats for breakast?" I said, "What Luke?" He said, "John Deeres!"
At that point I just fell out with giggles...
We climbed up on our tractors, he raced off on his, I lagged behind with my putt, putt and we put them away in our barn. Never in a million years did I ever dream I would be sharing in the fun of tractor ownership with my 14 year old son. You just never know where life will lead you.
Yesterday the neighbor came down and wanted to borrow a tractor for a hayride. After figuring out he had never driven a tractor with a hand clutch, I decided there was no way he was getting on my tractor. Selfish and protective...yes...that was not a proud God moment, I'm sure.
He borrowed Luke's tractor instead, it's prettier anyway. In order to get Luke's tractor out of the tractor barn, I had to back mine out first, so I thought I would just put it on display for the afternoon under the Maple tree.
The hayride was successful, no accidents, no broken tractors, just a nice fall hayride for a bunch of little kids. After chores, Luke and I still had to put our tractors away. ...that's when he started talkin' smack about my tractor.
He began by telling me his tractor was bigger than mine. "Whatever!" was my intelligent reply. So we measured and yes, his tractor is taller than mine. Okay...I still stand by "Whatever!"
Then I said, "Luke, my tractor eats spikes for breakfast," in the best sneer I could manage. He then copied his intelligent mother's reply with "Whatever!"
Then he leaned up against the back tire of his tractor and cocked his head to one side and said, "Mom, you know what my tractor eats for breakast?" I said, "What Luke?" He said, "John Deeres!"
At that point I just fell out with giggles...
We climbed up on our tractors, he raced off on his, I lagged behind with my putt, putt and we put them away in our barn. Never in a million years did I ever dream I would be sharing in the fun of tractor ownership with my 14 year old son. You just never know where life will lead you.