Knolltop Farm Wife (Melissa Hart)

Welcome to my blog! I'm a wife, mother of four and a self-employed freelance writer. In addition to writing, I am involved in producing several dairy magazines and am the editor of Dairy Agenda Today where I have a blog there as well! This is a place where I can get what's in my head, down on paper (the internet). I hope you find encouragement and maybe a giggle or two!
Follow me on instagram @farmwriter

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Two hour delay

Yes, I'm late this was a two hour delay for the kids this my attention was on them instead of this blog.

I just got done cleaning up from a breakfast of pancakes with walnuts and bacon with homemade syrup. They love it when I cook a big breakfast on a school day. It just seems to put everyone in a good mood.

We had a miracle this morning on the Knolltop. Last evening Jake and I came in from the barn and Bobby was still out there feeding TMR. The other three were at the school for a volleyball game. Bobby called and asked us to come out and help with Jackie...she had split out and couldn't get up.

We headed out to help with Jackie who also happened to be one of Jake's favorite cows. She is a nine year old cow who is on her seventh calf. She is the only cow in our herd that had 165 pounds on a test day...yes, that's not a typo...I couldn't believe it myself but I milked her and we all just stood there while she cranked out every drop. Her next three tests were 140, 138, it wasn't a fluke that she had that much milk in one day...she is just a good milk cow.

So seeing her on the cement not able to get up was not a happy moment. In the cold rain we worked and worked and finally got her on some dirt just inside the barn just a few feet from a boxstall that Jake and I had prepared for her. She was drained so we just left her there on the dirt with some hay and water and figured we'd get her into the stall this morning after she had a good nite's rest. All three of us came in soaked clear through and really enjoyed a hot shower.

We didn't know what to expect this morning when we went to the barn...and much to my surprise she was in the isle way right in front of the boxstall...almost like she knew where to go but couldn't get there. I figured after chores we'd get the hip lifts back out and just scooch her into the stall onto a thick pack of soft, dry shavings. When we got all done milking, I went out to clean the heifer pens and guess who was laying in the boxstall? Yes, Jackie was all the way in the stall and resting comfortably, chewing her cud. Wow...that was a miracle if you ask me! Now, she had the option of going a different way that led back into the stall barn, but she choose to head for the boxstall...she's smarter than the average bear!

And by the way.....the fence stretcher that was lost yesterday? I asked God where it was...and He led me straight to it...just in time for the boys to help Bobby with some fence repairs!

Laundry and a dozen other things are calling!

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