Bobby keeps saying every's like the corn has new life. It should with all the rain we've gotten and continue to get! Last evening after chores, Luke and Jake had Brad over and they were playing football in the back yard. All of a sudden a storm blew in and blew out. They were drenched, which made the game even more fun!
JW is gone to Ohio, right now he should be at Triple T Holsteins in North Lewisburg judging a few classes there. I called him this morning but haven't heard anything as of right now...I assume they haven't gotten stuck in the flood down there.
I've still got a story to write this my column done. Actually, I've got to write my story for the Agriview today too....that will be a little different since it will be more
about famous show cattle and not one farm. A real challenge none the less...I've never done anything like this before. It won't be about Holly, especially if she doesn't get her act together...the other day Luke had a terrible time with her...I'll write more about that's a picture of the struggle.
If I don't get to it, I won't get anything done. Coffee is perked and ready to drink!
Yes, although Katie looks the part of being ready do deliver any day...Michelle doesn't even look the slightest bit pregnant. I wouldn't tell her disappointing to be pregnant and not look it! She looks as great as ever...a blooming mother to be.
Thanks for stopping in! Miss you lots and sure would be nice if you'd move back to Michigan....:)